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Basically HIP (high-impact practices) Certificate In-Person

 High-impact practices are experiences that have been shown to significantly improve student retention and academic outcomes for the students who engage in them. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has identified a number of high-impact learning practices (HIPs), for example, undergraduate research, collaborative assignments, learning communities, service learning, study abroad, and freshman seminars. High-impact learning practices involve a significant investment of student effort over time with multiple interactions among faculty, students, and/or relevant community partners about substantive matters as well as frequent, constructive feedback from faculty and regular, structured processes for reflection and integration.

This certificate program falls into three parts. First, participants will watch short videos (approximately ten minutes each) and complete worksheets prior to the face-to-face workshop. Second, participants will attend the face-to-face workshop. Finally, participants will submit revised course materials based on the Basically HIP program.

Anyone interested in the program should complete this form.

Presenter: John Draeger

Monday, October 18, 2021
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Butler 318
  Teaching and Learning Center  
Registration has closed.


John Draeger